Financial tools and websites

I have worked on numerous HTML or Flash based tools and sites for financial sector companies within Scotland. Clients include Scottish Widows, Standard Life, Aegon & Scottish Life.

I have typically handled the scoping, requirement capture, wireframing, build and deployment of both consumer facing and internal business tools for these major companies within Edinburgh.

The Standard Life – Pathfinder Tool help employers understand the impact of the Pension Reform Act on their payroll. The user interface is simple yet effective and allows the user to explore their options and helps them plan their actions as a result of reform. The tools is built in Javascript & HTML/CSS and works in all browsers back to IE6.


Standard Life - Voice of the customer

Standard Life – Voice of the customer

The Standard Life – Voice of the customer website was a platform for Standard Life to communicate with its consumer base, providing video journals from the Chief Executive and staff insights as well as forms and interactives to gather customer feedback and data on customer priorities.




The Scottish Widows  – Income Replacement Tool is a flash based tool which helps Financial advisers calculate income replacement ratios for a group of employees and identify key areas for focus using a certain indicators. The tool allows an advisor to describe multiple corporate schemes and upload and manage large memberships for which to compute results and determine a strategy.




Scottish Widows – My Money Works is a portal for corporate pension schemes which features a suit of tools to help employees understand and manage their company pension and financial affairs. The suite of tools was originally built in Flash, and has since evolved to include responsive HTML & Javascript tools, mobile apps and iPad presentations

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